Monday, May 27, 2013

I'm eating now!!

Crew started eating at 4 1/2 months. This was his reaction to his first bite.

yum cereal!

He was happy and smiley with the first bites and then he realized how hungry he was and started crying. I wish I could tell him your eating food now it just takes more effort than a bottle. It took him a couple weeks before he knew what was going on and even still he won't eat if he is too hungry. 

Happy 4 Months

Weighs 17 lbs 5 oz.
Height 26 inches

He has some beautiful eyes

It is so hard to get him to smile in front of the camera. This is as good as it gets right now.

Daddy likes to make funny faces with Crew. I'm sure if Crew could defend himself he would not allow this to happen



We have now started stripping him naked every time he eats. He makes a huge mess and I'd rather throw him in the tub then scrub his clothes out. He loves bath time. Working on his back stroke..

Happy 5 months

on April 18 in the middle of the night he flipped from his back to his stomach. Now he won't stay on his back. As soon as I put him down he flips over to his stomach immediately. He also lifts his whole body and is on his hands and toes. He then goes to his knees and rocks back and forth. I give him a couple more weeks before he has the crawl mastered. He is growing up so stinkin fast.

He is now 6 months and I still need to get pictures and everything. Time flys by to fast. He is already half a year old and I cannot believe it. He is such a great baby and I am so blessed. Everything is so much more fun when he is around. I Love him.