Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Late and Early Post

I am pretty sure that Crew will look back at these pictures and be disgusted. He is my little toy when it comes to pictures and dress up and he really has no say in the matter. Pinterest gives me so many cute ideas and then I have to try them. I know I am no professional, but I enjoy taking pictures of my handsome boy even if he is a little camera shy.

So here is his Three Month Photos

Lots of Family Lovin!!

I think I got his eye on that one

Still happy after all we put him through

I am so excited to start trying out different foods. I found some super cute bibs and I can't wait to try them out. One more month or so...

So here is my Valentines day pictures that are a little late

 He loved it. I would start to put lipstick on my lips and he would start to giggle each time. It made taking pictures so much more fun.

Getting Clean after all that lipstick

He is figuring out his hands enough to bring his fist to his mouth or latch on to my hair.
I might need to do a shorter hair cut soon because I am tired of the strong grip he has on my hair.

Easter Time is on its way

Crew has a few big accomplishments 

February 14th - Rolled Over from stomach to back for his first time.
March 2nd - First Full Out Giggle
March 17th - Slept 12 hours straight from 8pm-8am
I still woke up expecting him to wake up every few hours, so I really don't know how much sleep I got, but it is a lot more than usual.

I think it is cute right now, but every time I take the bottle out of his mouth he immediately starts to cry and then as soon as the bottle touches his mouth he shuts up. It doesn't matter how much I feed him. I just have to hurry and distract him before he realizes the bottle is out of his mouth.

He can yank the dangling toys right off the toy mats. (The mats that have the foam noodle above them so they can stare and grab at the dangling toys.)

I tried sleep training last week. The first two nights I gave him 2 oz instead of the usual 4 oz and then the next night he didn't need a bottle, just his binkie. That lasted for 4-5 days and then BAM!! He slept all night. It was to easy to be true. The next night was the same. I hope this lasts. Cross my fingers.

  I'm expecting my next child not to be this easy, but I am so grateful that I can slowly work into this motherhood stuff because I still have no idea what I am doing sometimes.
I love my little man

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Crew's First Christmas

Crew's First Christmas!!

Christmas eve with Grandma and Grandpa Spackman and Family

Chade, Joni, and Ledger


I was not able to get a picture of Ridge because he had pneumonia and slept pretty much that whole day.

First time opening his presents

Yay!! Timmy the Tiger

Overall a success

Time with his Cousin Ledger

The daddies are doing a great job entertaining them